Save That Stuff provides a wide range of RECYCLING and WASTE removal programs.

Our Specialized Material Recovery Facility (MRF)

Save That Stuff operates a specialized materials recovery facility (MRF). We receive, process and prepare recyclable materials for the market. Our recyclables have been source-separated by our customers from the municipal solid waste stream. Our MRF is unique from other recycling facilities in the region. We receive and process a wide range of materials to support the breadth of materials our customers seek to dispose of responsibly.





Customer Relationships

We develop long-standing customer relationships, and have a high level of commitment to customer service.

We start each relationship with a basic needs assessment:

1. Our staff visits your facility to conduct an audit to evaluate the composition of your waste products, current collection systems, equipment and storage areas.

2. We prepare an analysis of your facility’s strong and weak points, and report back to you with our recommendations on the best methods for achieving effective, sustainable results.

3. Save That Stuff also provides internal education programs, including hands-on training for staff, custodial services, and/or cleaning crew.

4. We help you develop a set of success metrics, and we measure progress against those metrics, adjusting tactics as necessary.


Schedule a site visit TODAY!



CHaRM Facility

Save That Stuff, Inc. has an additional receiving facility for materials that are a challenge to recycle. Modeled after a similar facility in Boulder, Colorado, our Center for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM) is used to store and find new reuse outlets for a number of items. These materials include car bumpers, golf clubs, lab equipment, drink stations, pre-consumer blue wrap from hospitals and much more!
